LANDSCAPING-LAWN-TREE SERVICE With own truck and tools

  • September 23, 2020
  • Chantilly, Virginia, United States
  • Created at: September 18, 2020

Gig Description

I have a small landscaping business and I am looking for one person to work with. The person must be hard working, dependable, easy going and experienced. You must have all your own tools and truck. If you want to start making money today please call me. You must live in northern Virginia and can work 9-5 Monday to Friday. If you cant do this schedule, please don’t call me. Thank you again and hope to hear from you. 571-279-2579 call me Lorezaintzako negozio txiki bat daukat eta lan egiteko pertsona baten bila nabil. Pertsonak lan gogorra, fidagarria, erraza eta esperientzia izan behar du. Zure tresna eta kamioi guztiak eduki behar dituzu. Gaur dirua irabazten hasi nahi baduzu deitu iezaguzu. Virginia iparraldean bizi behar duzu eta astelehenetik ostiralera 9-5 lan egin dezakezu. Ordutegi hau ezin baduzu egin, ez iezadazu deitu. Eskerrik asko berriro eta espero duzu zure berri izatea. 571-279-2579 call me

Gig Location

Map is approximate to keep gig creator location private.